Welcome to The Road Taken To! I’m glad you’re here.
A little bit about me…
I have a Master’s Degree in English & Literature from the University of Alabama at Birmingham where I also taught Composition and Literature courses for several years before beginning freelance work as a writer and blogger.
I started The Road Taken To initially as a travel blog but in recent years I’ve been branching out to include more topics that I love including favorite books & quotes, product reviews, recipes, and anything else that enriches my life in the hopes that it will enrich yours too.
Even if The Road Taken To only helps one person, then I will consider this blogging venture worth it.
Contact Me:theroadtakento@gmail.com

My Travel Style
First things first: I love luxury – 5-star hotels, upscale dining, and VIP treatment – I also like to save money on those experiences whenever I can, so I get the best of both worlds.
Even though I enjoy planning my trips in extensive detail, I always make sure to build in free time to let life happen. Some of my best trip experiences were those I never even planned.
What My Travel Style Is Not
I admire and sometimes envy those travelers who are able and willing to take an amazing trip on a crazy low budget. I also have major admiration for those travelers who pack all of their belongings in one bag and backpack their way from one locale to another. Or, do like my cousin and hike the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail alone with nothing to keep her company except her goat, Sid.
I am not that traveler. And that’s ok. I tend to splurge rather than skimp. (*Note: I do make a reasonable budget beforehand so no trip gets out of hand.)
I am a firm believer in the power of any type of travel. I believe in its ability to broaden the mind and enrich your life, even when you’re back home and settled into the day-to-day. The experience of travel is far more valuable than any possession in my book.
So, Why the Road Taken To?
In case you were wondering, my domain is a play on Robert Frost’s classic poem “The Road Not Taken.”
I’ve been devouring books of all kinds as soon as I learned to read. My dad refers to me as the garbage disposal of books: “Bought a book and don’t like or want to finish it? Give it to Susan. She’ll read anything.”
I knew I wanted to travel from a young age, but I always feared I never would. Books became my portal to other worlds and opened my mind to all sorts of places, people, and adventures.
Reading is its own form of travel that can take you to anywhere you want to go. So, in the early stages of planning this blog, I asked myself, “How can I combine my two loves, travel and literature?” And, thus, TheRoadTakenTo was born.
For Affiliate or Sponsored Advertising, Freelance Writing, Editing, & other General Inquiries, feel free to contact me at: theroadtakento@gmail.com
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